
Medicare Now Covers Continuous Glucose Monitors

Medicare now covers Continuous Glucose Monitoring Devices such as Abbott’s Freestyle Libre® and the Dexcom G6®. These products have revolutionized the way in which our Medicare patients, who test four times per day or more using blood glucose testers and insulin administering, manage their diabetes.

Medicare Covered Continuous Glucose Monitors

Medicare Covered CGMs

Continuous Glucose Monitoring coverage for Medicare beneficiaries is easy to establish. If you are a Medicare beneficiary, your doctor has prescribed you to test your blood sugar at least four times per day, you are injecting insulin and you are following your prescriber’s orders you likely qualify for a Continuous Glucose Monitor. We will work with you and your prescriber throughout the process to gather Medicare’s required documentation. We ensure that you are adequately trained on your new system, and once you initiate your new and revolutionary CGM, you will experience zero interruptions in therapy.

The Abbott Freestyle Libre® is a system that our Medicare beneficiaries prefer as it is easy to adapt to when transitioning from a glucometer to Continuous Glucose Monitoring. The Freestyle Libre for Medicare beneficiaries is a two component system, with a 14 day sensor and with compliant documentation is available for order on a 90 day supply.

The Dexcom G6® is a system that our Medicare beneficiaries prefer for its various features. The Dexcom G6® for Medicare beneficiaries is a three component system, with a 10 day sensor, and compliant documentation that is available to our Medicare beneficiaries, for order on a 90 day supply.

In addition to the above characteristics of the Abbott Freestyle Libre® and the Dexcom G6®,  per the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) policy, Medicare beneficiaries are permitted to use a smart device in conjunction with the Abbott Freestyle Libre Reader® and the Dexcom G6 Receiver® to view glucose data. This makes Continuous Glucose Monitoring devices even more convenient! For example a Medicare Beneficiary may use a compatible smart device/cell phone in conjunction with their CGM device if the patient uses both their CGM system and a compatible smart device/cell phone throughout the day or if a beneficiary uses their CGM system some days of the week and their compatible smart device/cell phone other days of the week.

Our team is ready to patiently review all of the details regarding these systems and your coverage. Please call 1-866-422-4866 and we will gladly answer any questions you have about CGMs and Medicare coverage requirements.